How to completely clean a fish tank?

If cleaning the glass and changing water doesn’t help, maybe you should consider a deep clean by using the follow steps:

  1. Prepare an empty bucket, and draw around 50% of the clean water from the fish tank into this bucket.
  2. Scoop the fish out and put them in the bucket. If you have decorations and plants, you can take them out and put in the bucket as well.
  3. Use the rest of the 50% water to clean the glass, gravel, and sand. Just do a deep clean of everything and then completely drain all the remaining water.
  4. Fill the tank with 80% of the water, and then clean everything all over again. This step can be repeated a couple of times until the water is clear.
  5. Fill the tank with 50% of water and put the plants and decorations back inside.
  6. Scoop the fish from the bucket and put them into the tank (gently)
  7. Fill the tank with the rest of the water from the bucket.
  8. Don’t forget to clean also the outside glass!


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